
gmod servers

Press the image above to vote for our server and to get our server hopefully more populated!!! <3

Rules - CITYRP


1: BE SERIOUS. This is the first and undoubtably the hardest rule to understand. This does not mean that you are not allowed to do "silly" things/have an interesting character/have fun, what it means is that you must stay in character. You must have some concept of your character, even if it doesn't include some elaborate backstory. You must pretend that you are that person for the duration that you play on this DarkRP server. This means that this server is different from all of the other DarkRP servers out there in that we encourage a real town/community to develop.
2: DO NOT MESS WITH OTHER PLAYER'S STUFF. If they want help, they'll ask.
3: Have fun.
4: Do not do anything that threatens to crash the server in any way, or you will be banned. This includes via the spawning or abusing of props.
5: Do not prop surf - Using the physgun on a prop that a person (including yourself) is standing and launching into the air to fly around.
6: Do not prop kill - Throwing or pushing a prop at somebody with the intent to murder them.
7: Do not prop push - Pushing something using a prop. This rule does not apply when a prop is successfully struck with a battering ram or grenade but still does not move using the gravity gun.
8: Do not prop glitch - Using a prop to push oneself through a wall.
9: Do not prop spam - Spawning a large amount of props.
10: Do not prop block - Prop blocking is blocking an area with a prop so nobody can get past it.
11: Do not prop stick/trap - Do not use props to remove somebody else's mobility.
12: Do not RDM (Random Death Match) - Killing somebody for no RP (Roleplaying) purpose. "Robbing" somebody must be roleplayed, and you cannot just walk up to somebody and kill them.
13: Do not break the NLR (New Life Rule) - When you are killed, you are not permitted to immediately go back to the specific area where you died, even if you own the building. During police raids, the police that are killed are permitted to go back to the PD, but as new police who do not remember where people were, etc.
14: Do not metagame - Using OOC (Out Of Character) information to your advantage. This includes OOC chatting with RP information or using the voice button to see who is nearby.
15: Do not go AFK - Leaving the game while still in the server. After being caught going AFK 3 times and received warnings, a ban can be placed.
16: Do not be abusive - Inappropriate language, or bad behavior to other players.
17: Do not use any form of hack/script - Examples of this are aimbots, wallhacks, spectates, and more.
18: Do not use inappropriate sprays or profile images - This include pornographic, racist, gory, or otherwise generally inappropriate images.
19: Do not micspam - This can be music, singing, funny noises, etc. The only exception to this rule is if you are hired as a DJ. Even then you may be asked by an admin to stop micspamming, at 
24: Racism, sexism, or religious discrimination of any kind is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
25: Do not place any props inside or near the spawn.
26: Do not troll people in any way unless it makes sense in character.
27: RP names must be appropriate. No racism, sexism, or profane words.
28: Do not use the /advert command for anything that is not RP related or contains OOC content. Advertisements are to be used for business/in-character announcements only.
29: Cop requests are only to be used for a RP emergency.
30: Do not no-collide your props to gain access to somewhere you wouldn't otherwise have access to.
31: No fading door abuse. Fading doors must be operated with a button or keypad, not a bound key.
32: Do not spam the chat.
33: Do not prop suicide. This means using a prop to kill oneself. If you want to suicide, try jumping from heights or using a weapon.
34: No owning a large number of doors at the same time, esp. just for the purpose of owning them/just so that no one else can have them.
35: No real estate agents. See above.
36: Worker unions are allowed.
37:You do not have to /advert Raid / mug.
38: KOS (Kill On Sight) lines are NOT ALLOWED. Please do not create KOS lines just trying to "get some action" or as an excuse to murder.

Utility Rules:

*Fading doors/Keypads:

1: Fading doors must be connected to a keypad or button in all cases.
2: Keypads must be set to hold open their fading door(s) for a minimum of 3 seconds upon successful operation.
3: Technicians are allowed to participate in raids.

*Text screens:

1: Do not overlap your textscreens with other's textscreens. No purposely obscuring text screens.
2: Do not obnoxiously spam large textscreens.

Suggested In-Game Legalities:

Within the game, there is law enforcement. (i.e., Civil Protection, Mayor, etc.)

This means that there must be a set of laws within the game itself for what is punishable and what is allowable.

As players, you shape your own world, and as such, the Mayor (and in his absence, the Civil Protection Chief)

will formulate these laws (democratically or not, again up to the players) and decide punishments.

Remember that in-game laws are not to violate any of the rules above; e.g., a law that says "Guns may be owned without a gun license"is obviously in violation of a previously specified rule and is therefore invalid.

However, it is supplied here a partial set of laws to be incorporated into the law sets in-game.

These are suggestions and are to aid people in formulating sensical legal systems:

1: Murder is a felony and is therefore punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

2: Larceny (theft) of any kind of property is illegal and is therefore punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

3: Posession of or use of drugs is illegal and is therefore punishable to the fullest extent of the law. (You may want to make exceptions for medical doctors.)

4: Kidnapping is illegal and is therefore punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

5: Selling firearms without a license is illegal and is therefore punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

6: Rape/sexual assault/abuse is illegal and is therefore punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

7: Prostitution is illegal and is therefore punishable to the fullest extent of the law.

Don't drove like an idiot ;)

You will want more laws than this.
Above all, stay in character and have fun!

~ Staff Team